Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A new day in Fiji and a new issue as always

Good morning my fellow Fijians

As always I greet the day with a yoga session so I feel fit and nimble to greet my people.

I have been feeling much maligned lately about what I and my whole family - aunties, brothers, and my wonderful cousins -  have sacrificed for the good of the country so I will give you a snapshot into my typical day in the interests of being transparent and holistic. This shows you that I am not sitting in my office all day doing nothing as some people would have you believe of me.

On the upside though, I am feeling uplifted about consultations I am having about my draft constifusion around the villages, although to be honest sometimes there is a rent-a-crowd kind of a vibe - each gathering numbering around 50 or so, which is holitictically speaking rather disheartening.

But no matter, it is enough that my government looks credible for the financial outlay and the affectation this causes.

If it wasn't for Ho, my trusted interpreter and bodyguard I would also find the blank looks quite disconcerting. He reassures me , and for those of my readers overseas that do not understand Fijian natives as well as I do, the veiled obscure looks on our faces mirrors great pearls of perplexity and wisdom sinking from within.

The media is also doing a great job reporting on the great numbers of people and concluding non sequiturs.

As Bai our beloved PM wishes us to be more candid and forthright, I thought as promised , I would present you a typical day of mine in pictures.

Notwithstanding, there are issues as always. People are impatient as to the elections and when they will be held. But I will address this.

And I will also address the itaukei land issue as soon have brushed my buiniga (which I have been modeling on the old Fijian style), recited my essential dua's to Allah (may He always be praised), prayed to Mecca, and had my breakfast.

In the interests of promoting multiculturalism and secularism that will soon  be entrenched in Fiji's new Constifusion, I would encourage you all to start reciting the following before your meals :

Bismillahi wa 'ala baraka-tillah

This translates : With Allah's name and upon the blessings granted by Allah (do we eat).

God bless , Lomlom, namaste bin-binbinaka


  1. Nice Bola kemuni saka taukei ni buiniga

  2. I look forward to your discourse on our land.

  3. Holistically, this is a great blog. It takes a bit of a stomach though, to see this wonderful person so many times.

    1. Anon Wa’alaikum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh . I am thankful to Allah that you you are enjoying seeing great pictures of me. I hope your stomach gets better soon.

  4. Interesting read however speaks a lot about the person writing that everything seems to be about you, my draft constitution, my Government? I thought your'e only the AG and sometimes acting PM but not the PM? either way we look at it i do feel troubled with where your'e taking Fiji!

    1. Shokran شكرا Joe. BarakAllahu feekum. PM Bai says to us daily that we have to take responsibility for the authority we have and never to forget it as we are here to stay. So holistically speaking, I am doing just that .

      Joe, I am NOT ONLY JUST the AG - I am also deputy PM, and full-on PM when PM Bai leaves the country, so I am responsible for everything , and as I also am responsible for all Decrees (which will be about 300 by the middle of this year alone), it is very clear who is leading this country.

  5. Joe stop your malarky, go get a gun and shoot him please!


Comments are required to be holistic and genuine in taking Fiji forward on the holistic roadmap to partnered democracy with myself, Riaz and Bai.